5 Issues Writers Run Into During the Revision Process

Attention all aspiring writers!

📢 Are you knee-deep in your novel draft and facing some roadblocks during the revision process? Don't worry, you're not alone! Let's dive into the top issues writers encounter when revising their WIP and discover some helpful solutions.

Novel Revision Issue #1: Overwhelm

Sometimes the sheer magnitude of revising a novel can leave us feeling lost. But fear not! Break it down into manageable chunks. Start with one chapter at a time, analyzing plot, character development, and pacing.

🔧 Solution: Create a revision schedule!

Set aside specific times each day or week to tackle different sections. Before you know it, you'll have revised your entire novel!

Novel Revision Issue #2: Plot Holes and Inconsistencies

Discovering gaps in your plot or inconsistencies in your story can be frustrating. Take a deep breath because we've got a solution!

🔧 Solution: Make a revision checklist!

Review your plot, subplots, and character arcs. Ensure everything aligns and fills those pesky plot holes. Your story will become tighter and more engaging!

If this kind of project management or planning is something you struggle with (or dread!), a book coach can be an invaluable investment, especially one certified by Author Accelerator. Part of the program includes project management and helping writers stick to a schedule you work together to create.

Issue #3: Weak Character Development

Are your characters lacking depth and failing to capture readers' hearts? Let's give them the makeover they deserve!

🔧 Solution: Conduct character interviews!

Get to know your characters intimately. Ask them questions, dig into their past, and explore their motivations. Pretend they’re a friend you’re sitting down for coffee with or catching up with after a few years. What would you want to know? How would they respond? Are they outgoing and eager to share, or do they need some pressing? This exercise will help you create well-rounded and relatable personas.

Issue #4: Bland Dialogue

Dialogue is the lifeblood of any story. If your characters' conversations fall flat, it's time to spice things up!

🔧 Solution: Check out this podcast with 10 tips for writing better dialogue.

Certified book coach Savannah Gilbo is host of the Fiction Writing Made Easy podcast, and she recently went into 10 great tips for dialogue. The biggest takeaway is that dialogue should always serve a purpose. Yes, even if that purpose is to kill time. Why is your character trying to kill time? What’s at stake for them right now? How can you incorporate that feeling into the conversation? Savannah goes into details on this and more in this podcast episode from August 2023.

Issue #5: Lack of Pacing and Tension

Keeping readers on the edge of their seats is crucial. If your story feels stagnant or lacks tension, it's time to rev it up!

🔧 Solution: Experiment with chapter endings!

Leave each chapter with a cliffhanger or an intriguing question to keep readers hooked. Brainstorm different cliffhangers to see which leaves you on the edge of your seat. Also, vary the pace by balancing action-packed scenes with quieter, reflective moments.

Remember, revision is a journey to polish your masterpiece and bring it to life!

Embrace the process, stay persistent, and never be afraid to seek feedback from fellow writers or beta readers or book coaches. Now, let's dive back into those revisions and make your novel shine! Happy revising, writers!


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