The Impact that Book Coach Certification Has On Your Own Writing

Today’s blog post comes to us from Author Accelerator CEO Jennie Nash. If you enjoy today’s content, you can sign up for Jennie's weekly newsletter here.

Author Accelerator's COO, Laura Franzini, took a month off in fall 2018 to do an intensive yoga teacher training program and become a certified yoga instructor. She has no intention, however, of being a full-time yoga teacher, and making money from it was not her priority. She did the training to deepen her understanding of the yoga practice, to improve her own practice, and to give herself the gift of diving deep. I remember when she came back, we spent two hours on the phone in what should have been our business catch-up meeting, just talking about how she saw the world differently, how she wanted to bring what she had learned into the work we do with writers, how she felt so much more whole. It was very powerful.

This is precisely the way many people feel when they invest in book-coach training. Our Book Coach Certification program is an intensive deep dive into the art of fiction and nonfiction writing – how to lay a strong foundation for a book, how to manage the entire project, how to keep motivation high, where the roadblocks tend to be, and how to understand and analyze the elements of a book.

Yes, the purpose of the program is to train people to help other writers do their best work. But it's also excellent training to help yourself do your best work, whether you are writing fiction, memoir, or nonfiction.


Author Accelerator Changes the Game with Book Coach Certification Program


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