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Finishing a Manuscript

Today’s success story comes to us from author Lana Wilhelm!

How does it feel to have the manuscript finished?

Having completed my manuscript is exciting and scary at the same time. The experience is very similar to having a child. You labor and that at the moment of birth, you are overwhelmed with love and excitement. Then the next morning, your mind floods with all that you need to do for this child so that they are successful in the world.

How long did you work with a book coach on your manuscript?

One year.

What’s next for the book?

Stroke and the Spouse was developed to help other caregivers as they navigate the difficult journey of caring for a loved one who has had a stroke. Currently, I am working with the medical professionals and hospitals to support and promote the book for those in need. I have already received interest from UCLA and a large private rehab center in Chicago.

Congratulations, Lana!

Learn more and buy Stroke and the Spouse on Amazon or by visiting Lana’s website.

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