Finishing a Manuscript

Today’s success story comes to us from Author Accelerator certified book coach Susanne Dunlap and her writing client, Gary Demack.

What are we celebrating today?

My coaching client finished their manuscript or their first draft!

How does it feel to have the manuscript finished?

It's a huge accomplishment. Gary is a first-time writer who's been learning the craft as he goes. This is just the beginning, of course: we're embarking on the revision process now!

What are you most proud of in terms of this coaching relationship?

I'm proud of how Gary has stuck to it, even though I made him scrap everything he'd written when he came to me and start over from the Blueprint. I'm proud of how I figured out how to give him the kind of help he needed to end up with a manuscript that works.

What’s next for the book?

We’re embarking on a big revision, using some of the strategies in [Author Accelerator’s] new revision course [for certified coaches] — which is excellent.

Good luck with the revision process, Susanne and Gary!

Follow Susanne Dunlap on Instagram or visit her website to learn more about her book coaching services.


Achieving Certification


Publishing a Book