Discovering What You Were Born to Do

Today we’re celebrating Leyla Bilsborough, who just earned her Author Accelerator Book Coach Certification!

How did you come to book coaching?

When I heard Jennie talking about book coaching on a podcast with Joanna Penn, something clicked inside me. I have always loved stories, books, TV, films, plays - I was one of those kids with their nose in a book whilst walking home from school. I have lived and breathed stories for most of my life. Although it was expensive, I signed up within half an hour because when you know, you know.

What was your experience in the Book Coach Certification program? What did you find most satisfying? What did you find most challenging?

About 4 years ago I took some time to ascertain my life purpose - to entertain and inspire people with my passion for creativity and storytelling. I can’t believe how neatly that fits with what being a book coach means to me. As I worked through the book coaching course and worked with my practicum clients, I knew this was what I was born to do. The biggest challenge was building my own confidence and believing in myself. I love helping people to be better writers and to produce better work, work that they look at with pride and confidence. This work brings me enormous joy and inspiration.

What is the most valuable piece of advice you’re taking away from the training?

Demonstrate not narrate. I think it is clearer to writers than show don’t tell and I say it all the time now.

What did you do to celebrate this achievement?

I had a bottle of French champagne.

Tell us more about your coaching plans. What are the next steps in your career?

I am working towards building a sustainable business to support writers achieve their goals. As a female entrepreneur I want to support other women achieve their writing goals.

I want to see into the heart of your story and help you to make it soar. I want to help you to make your dream of becoming a successful author a reality. Whether it is working on developing a first draft, a finished manuscript or beginning at the very start of the planning journey, I am here to support, inspire, encourage and challenge you. I love fantasy, speculative fiction, sci-fi, YA fantasy and women's fiction.

Learn more about Leyla Bilsborough’s coaching services on her website, Facebook, or Instagram.

Want to read books all day and get paid for it like Leyla?


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